Sep 14, 2019


  • Catalog of innovative scientific developments
  • Catalog with an atlas of microorganisms for the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan
  • List of publications
  • List of patents

Scientific works of employees

 “Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry”LLP

For 2013
For 2014
For 2015
For 2016
For 2017
For 2018


On contract basis

  • Technologies for the processing of agricultural raw materials, food products and animal feed;
  • Food biologically active and feed additives;
  • Production of specialized feed for farm animals, birds and fish;
  • Technological and auxiliary equipment for enterprises for the processing of agricultural products, including for peasants and farms;
  • Introduction of shubat production technology;
  • Drafts of state and industry standards, technical regulations, methodological documents for standardization and certification of food products and animal feed;
  • Development work and services;
  • Promotion and dissemination of scientific achievements and knowledge, provision of advice to enterprises of the processing and food industries, farms and peasant households.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

NASEC “National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center”

LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry”

Head institute

050060, Almaty, Gagarin Ave., 238 G.

+7 (727) 396-05-09 (office manager);

+7 (727) 396-06-31 (chief accountant);

+7 (727) 391-21-99 (chief economist);

+7 (727) 396-04-13 (HR manager);

+7 (727) 396-04-11 (Public Procurement Lawyer).

Fax: +7 (727) 396-05-09.
E-mail: info@rpf.kz.
Website: www.rpf.kz.


Astana branch of the institute:

010000, Astana, st. Akzhol, 26.
Phone: +7 (7172) 54-60-99 (office manager).
Fax +7 (7172) 54-60-97.
E-mail: ab.info@rpf.kz.

Semey Branch of the Institute:

071410, Semey, st. Baitursynov, 29.

+7 (7222) 77-00-26 (office manager);

+7 (7222) 36-00-60 (deputy director for production).

Fax +7 (7222) 34-49-01.


Employees of LLP “Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry” are working on the commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities, today the commercialized projects are:

· Innovative bakery “Innova FOOD” – Organized within the framework of the project “Introduction of highly efficient technology for the production of bakery products with a high content of vitamins and macronutrients for mass and preventive nutrition” with funding from JSC “Science Fund”.


· Extruded feed for valuable fish species;
· Fruit and vegetable juices, enriched with pectin;
· Flour confectionery with immunosuppressive action;
· Technology of combined dairy products based on mare’s milk;


The innovative bakery was organized within the framework of the project “Introduction of highly efficient technology for the production of bakery products with a high content of vitamins and macronutrients for mass and preventive nutrition” for the commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities of  LLP”Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry”funded by Science Fund JSC.

The aim of the project is to release of a new line of bakery products enriched with micronutrients for mass and functional purposes. For the first time in the production of bakery products, vitamins, minerals and live cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used simultaneously. These bakery products have an increased biological value and microbiological resistance to the disease of bread “potato disease” and mold. The productivity of the bakery is 2 tons per day.

The bakery produces fortified pan bread, tortillas, buns and gingerbread. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the Science Fund JSC, the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of the city of Almaty, the Health Department of Almaty, the Union of Food Enterprises of Kazakhstan, etc.



For the first time in Kazakhstan, since 2009, employees of the laboratory of technology of grain products and compound feeds are engaged in research work on the development of recipes and technologies for the production of extruded starter, production and probiotic feed for valuable fish species (sturgeon, trout, sterlet, whitefish species, tilapia, pike perch, clary catfish).

According to the developed recipes and proven technology, the production of extruded feed for valuable fish species is carried out in production conditions at the feed mill of PetFoodKZ LLP and their approbation at fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (HalykBalyk LLP, Kapshagayskoye Spawning Farm LLP – 1973, RGKP “Kamyshlybashsky fish hatchery” and in the conditions of the RAS of JSC “Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin” in Astana and others).

Feed is prepared from protein, organic and mineral components with various input of products of secondary processing of processing industries (fish meal, meat and bone meal, blood meal, corn gluten, corn and wheat germ, grain raw materials and other components), and also use the probiotic preparation “Biocons”, containing lactic acid bacteria, developed in the microbiology laboratory of our institute.

Food for valuable fish species are dry, well-flowing extruded crumbs (0.2-2mm) and granules (2.5-10mm) from light to dark brown color, balanced in energy and nutritional value, meeting the physiological needs of fish, with feed coefficient 1.0 – 1.2 units. The feed coefficient during the production check of feed on valuable fish species is slightly higher (0.02 – 0.2 units) than when using imported feed (“Aller Aqua” and “Coppens”). The cost of domestic feed is, on average, 2 times lower than imported.

16 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan were obtained for the developed feed:

1 Feed additive for fish No. 23727 dated 20.02.2009;

2 Method of obtaining extruded fish feed No. 28066 dated 05/04/2013;

3 Method of obtaining extruded feed for sturgeon fish No. 24991 dated 23.11.2010;

4 Compound feed for sturgeon fish species and their hybrids No. 30732 dated 01.07.2014

5 Method for obtaining extruded feed for sturgeon fish No. 24991 dated 23.11.2020

6 Food for sturgeon fish of high energy value No. 24990 dated 04/27/2011;

7 Food for sturgeon fish species No. 25385 dated 31.01.2011;

8 Compound feed for sterlet with integrated use of corn processing waste No. 27693 dated 11.07.2012;

9 Method of preparation of extruded feed for fish No. 28066 dated 05.04.3013;

10 “Compound feed for sturgeon fish species and their hybrids” Innovative patent No. 30732 dated 01.07.2014

11 “Protein feed additive for farm animals, birds and fish” Patent No. 31959 dated 15.10. 2015

12 High-energy protein-fat feed additive for farm animals, birds and fish with probiotic preparation “No. 32517 dated 03.06.2016

13 Method of obtaining mineral feed additive for birds and fish

Patent No. 32220 dated June 16, 2017

14 Method of obtaining starting compound feed for fry of trout No. 32494 dated 02.22.2016

15 Productive compound feed for marketable trout №33226 dated 20.07.2017.

16 Compound feed for juvenile trout with probiotic preparation No. 2016 / 0692.1 dated 09.08. 2016

Recommendations have been developed for recipes and production of compound feed for valuable fish species.

Domestic extruded (starter and production) feeds for various valuable fish species, produced by extrusion according to the developed and implemented recipes of “Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry” LLP, can be purchased at PetFoodKZ LLP at the address: Almaty region, Talgar district, s. Belbulak, st. Abdygulova, house 119. Tel 8 (727) 389-93-82, 8 701 71462 60.

LLP “Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry” is open for cooperation, for implementation and cooperation, please contact the following contacts:

050060, Almaty, Gagarin Ave., 238 G

Phone: +7 (727) 396-04-26

Fax +7 (727) 396-05-09

e-mail: kazniippp@mail.ru


#kazniippp #rpf #innovation #feedforfish #feed #fish #nasec #kz


Providing the population with food that meets the requirements for complete and “healthy” food is an urgent task for the food industry. Due to changes in environmental conditions, water, air, soil, plants, and, consequently, food are polluted by a number of organic and inorganic substances that are toxic. This necessitates enrichment of food products with highly effective harmless food additives of natural origin, in particular, dietary fiber. An increase in the content of dietary fiber in food increases the resistance of the human body to adverse environmental influences. One of the most important components of dietary fiber are polysaccharides, in particular, pectin substances, the functional properties of which (cation-exchange, complexing, gelatinous) make them widely used as detoxifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, gel-formers in the production of food products of mass demand, dietary and medical preventive purposes.

Employees of LLP “KazNII PPP” have developed a line of fruit processing products that have a natural health-improving effect, enriched with pectin. This line includes juices of direct extraction of carrots, beets and apples, as well as their various mixes, the ratio of which determines the target group of potential consumers (for children, young people and adults).

Carrot juice is a whole vitamin complex. The juice strengthens the immune system, which is important both in the cold season and in the spring, when the body lacks many substances. Immunostimulation is promoted, in particular, by the high content of carotene (provitamin A).

Beet juice. The healing qualities inherent in beet juice were discovered by Hippocrates. The main benefit of beetroot juice is that when consumed, red blood cells are formed more actively, and the blood improves in general. People suffering from obesity and fluid retention of various origins get a lot of relief when drinking beetroot juice. In addition, beet juice is extremely useful because it contains salts of manganese, iron and potassium. Beet juice cleanses the blood, liver, kidneys, and reduces overall organic acidity.

Beets and juice from it cleanse the body, but you should not rush to drink this healing juice in large quantities. Otherwise, the benefits of beetroot juice will be replaced by unpleasant sensations. Drinking even a small amount of juice out of habit can lead to nausea and slight dizziness. In this regard, experts recommend first drinking a mixture of beet juice with carrot or apple juice and only later switch to pure beet juice. For a complete cleansing of the body, the use of one and one and a half glasses of juice a couple of times during the day will be quite sufficient.

Apple juice contains many trace minerals, such as potassium, which supports heart function. Apples contain special substances pectins, they promote the elimination of cholesterol, which is formed in the liver. Pectins are soluble fiber and can help you lose weight even without a special diet.

People of all ages are advised to drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice a day. Just 100 ml of juice reduces the risk of developing senile marasmus. Apple juice contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process. It is scientifically proven that juice from fresh apples protects brain cells from destruction, and is also a good prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Regular consumption of 300 ml of juice prevents the development of cerebral vascular sclerosis. Apple juice contains fiber, which regulates cholesterol levels. Apple juice normalizes all types of metabolic processes in the body, stimulates the mental process, has a tonic effect. The daily norm of 200 ml of juice normalizes blood flow, makes vessels and capillaries more elastic, protects them from fragility.

Apple juice is mixed with other fruit or vegetable juices. Carrot-apple juice, for example, helps the visual organs to cope well with stress, and also fills the body with vitamins. The combination of the above juices makes it possible to obtain unique products rich in vitamins, excellent taste and natural health properties.

In this direction, the employees of “Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry” LLP have developed all the necessary regulatory and technological documentation for implementation in practice.

For questions of implementation and cooperation, please contact the following contacts:

050060, Almaty, Gagarin Ave., 238 G

Phone: +7 (727) 396-04-26

Fax +7 (727) 396-05-09

e-mail: kazniippp@mail.ru


#kazniippp #rpf #innovation #nasec #kz #juices #fruit #vegetables #processing


Qualitative characteristics, description of technology: The concept of the project provides for the industrial production of a new type of flour confectionery with a functional purpose with immunosuppressive properties with the use of dietary supplements for long-term storage

Scope of dissemination of NTD results: Flour mills, production of bakery products

Economic effect of implementation: Profitability of production – 40-45%

The multiplicative effect of the introduction: The introduction of this technology will increase the growth in the volume of new types of flour confectionery products for functional purposes, create additional jobs and increase production volumes

Authors of the project: Zhumalieva G.E. and etc.

In this direction, the employees of KazNIIPP LLP have developed all the necessary regulatory and technological documentation for implementation in practice.

For questions of implementation and cooperation, please contact the following contacts:

050060, г. Алматы, пр.Гагарина, 238 Г

Телефон: +7 (727) 396-04-26

Факс +7 (727) 396-05-09

e-mail: kazniippp@mail.ru

#kazniippp #rpf #innovation #nasec #kz #juices #fruit #vegetables #processing


Qualitative characteristics, description of the technology: The essence of the technology consists in processing mare’s and goat’s milk and making dairy products (yoghurts, milk drinks) from them while maintaining the functional and natural properties of the raw materials used.

Scope of NTD results dissemination: Farms, milk processing enterprises.

Economic effect of implementation: Profitability of production – 19-20%.

The multiplicative effect of implementation: The introduction of this technology will make it possible to obtain a new product for the dairy industry at a significantly low price compared to analogues, create additional jobs, increase production growth, tax base and budget revenues.

Authors of the project: Chomanov U.Ch. and etc.

In this direction, the employees of Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry LLP have developed all the necessary regulatory and technological documentation for implementation in practice.

For questions of implementation and cooperation, please contact the following contacts:

050060, Almaty, Gagarin Ave., 238 G

Phone: +7 (727) 396-04-26

Fax +7 (727) 396-05-09

e-mail: kazniippp@mail.ru

#kazniippp #rpf #innovation #nasec #kz #juices #fruit #vegetables #processing