On September 10, 2022, the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erbol Shyrakpaevich Karashukeev visited the Astana branch of the Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP. The meeting was attended by the Vice Minister of Agriculture B.A. Bekbauov and Chairman of the Board of
Non-commercial JSC “National Agrarian Science and Educational Centre” D.S. Balpanov , as well as the staff of the Institute. They discussed the issues of innovative development of the food and processing industry, as well as the prospects for the development of the industry.
During the meeting E.Sh .Karashukeev got acquainted with the results of scientific research carried out by the programs, discussed the logistics, and also discussed the prospects for the development of the research organization.
The scientists presented the results of research obtained within the framework of the scientific and technical program of the programme-aimed financing of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2021-2023. The scientific products of the Institute were brought to the attention of the Minister: gluten-free, fat and oil, feed, products of deep processing of plant-growing raw materials, the material and technical support of the Institute, as well as modern equipment and materials.
The delegation got acquainted with the main subdivisions of Astana branch KazRIPFI LLP:
– Laboratory of microbiology and food safety;
– Laboratory for deep processing of crop products;
– Laboratory of primary processing of vegetable raw materials;
– Laboratory for the processing of oilseed raw materials.
The staff of the Institute expressed their gratitude to the distinguished guests for their initiative in activating measures for the industrial development of the processing and food industries.
It should be reminded that Astana branch KazRIPFI LLP is engaged in scientific and technological support for the storage and processing of grain and oilseeds, the development of innovative technologies and the creation of high-tech products with high added value.