The Institute is a leading scientific institution in Kazakhstan, solving the problems of processing and food industry in agro-industrial complex.
«Kazakh Research Institute of processing and food industry» Ltd includes head institute located in Almaty, branches in Astan and Semey.
The head Institute and its branches have research and design lab, pilot productions.
Estimation of efficiency using new technologies and equipment in the processing and food industry, work on the improvement and development of new equipment and technologies for the production of food products from animal and plant raw materials, including bakery, confectionery, fruit and vegetable, meat and dairy, fermentation, beer, alcohol, wine, feed and other industries.
Formation of optimal technological regimes and designs of equipment for deep and complex processing of plant and animal raw materials in order to obtain new functional food products, including national products, as well as food and biologically active additives to ensure the quality and safety of raw materials and food
Formation, preservation and development of the genofond of microorganisms for the food industry.
Grounding of initial requirements and development of technologies for deep processing of plant and animal raw materials and production of new food and animal feed, together with the institutes of the national agrarian science and educational centre (noncommercial JSC “NASEC”).
Regulatory and methodical support of agro-industrial complex.
Transfer and adaptation of modern methods and technologies of food production.
The Institute has great experience in conducting scientific researches and highly qualified employees, the Institute has 126 employees, among them: researchers – 79; Doctors of sciences – 9, including 1 academician of NAS of Kazakhstan; Candidates of sciences – 8; PhD – 6; Master students– 38
Infrastructure. To perform scientific works Head Institute has 5 research labs with appropriate physical infrastructure:
– Laboratory of processing technology and storage of plant products
– Laboratory of processing technology and storage of animal products
– Laboratory of baking technology
– Laboratory of biotechnology, quality and food safety
– Laboratory of technology of grain products and compound feeds
There are: Bakehouse, research and experimental laboratory lines: Sausage production line, Milk processing line, Feed and feed additives production line
The official Depository of the collection for processing and food industry microorganisms (AIC) operates on the basis of the Institute by the decree of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 830 dated July 30, 2002 “About Republican microorganisms’ collection”. There are more than 2000 units of microorganisms in the institutes’ collection. As an official Depository, cultures of microorganisms from scientific and industrial organizations are accepted to the collection. Collection cultures are used for creation of new preparations and ferments in scientific researches of Institute (preparations for animal husbandry, poultry farming and fish farming, sourdough for wheat and rye bread, etc.).