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The competition for the academic title of associate Professor





The competition for the academic title of associate Professor


According to the Rules for awarding academic titles (associate professor (docent), professor) approved by the order of the Minister of  Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 № 128, taking into account changes and additions in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 9, 2023  № 7, the Scientific Council of Kazakh research Institute of processing and food industry LLP publishes an information and a list of scientific papers of PhD, senior researcher Mukhametov Almas Yerekuly for the assignment of the academic title – associate professor in the scientific field 21200 – Other Technologies (05.18.00 – «Technology of food products»).


  1. Information about the applicant for the academic title of associate professor;


  1. List of scientific papers, including a list of publications in international peer-reviewed publications.


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The competition for the academic title of associate Professor





The competition for the academic title of associate Professor


According to the Rules for awarding academic titles (associate professor (docent), professor) approved by the order of the Minister of  Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 № 128, taking into account changes and additions in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 9, 2023  № 7, the Scientific Council of Kazakh research Institute of processing and food industry LLP publishes an information and a list of scientific papers of PhD, head of the research project Yessimbekov Zhanibek Serikbekuly for the assignment of the academic title – associate professor in the scientific field 21200 – Other Technologies; 21204 – Food Science and Technology.


  1. Information about the applicant for the academic title of associate professor on the scientific field 21200 – Other Technologies; 21204 – Food Science and Technology.;


  1. List of scientific papers, including a list of publications in international peer-reviewed publications.


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Есимбеков Ж Список зарубежн. публикации

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The competition for the academic title of associate Professor





The competition for the academic title of associate Professor


According to the Rules for awarding academic titles (associate professor (docent), professor) approved by the order of the Minister of  Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 № 128, taking into account changes and additions in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 9, 2023  № 7, the Scientific Council of Kazakh research Institute of processing and food industry LLP publishes an information and a list of scientific papers of PhD, director of Semey Branch Suychinov Anuarbek Kazisuly for the assignment of the academic title – associate professor in the scientific field 21200 – Other Technologies; 21204 – Food Science and Technology.


  1. Information about the applicant for the academic title of associate professor on the scientific field 21200 – Other Technologies; 21204 – Food Science and Technology;


  1. List of scientific papers, including a list of publications in international peer-reviewed publications.


Суйчинов А Список научныз публ

Суйчинов А Список зарубежн публикации

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The competition for the academic title of associate Professor





The competition for the academic title of associate Professor


According to the Rules for awarding academic titles (associate professor (docent), professor) approved by the order of the Minister of  Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 № 128, taking into account changes and additions in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 15, 2015  № 380, the Scientific Council of Kazakh research Institute of processing and food industry LLP publishes an information and a list of scientific papers of candidate of technical science, lead scientific researcher Kenenbay Gulmira Serikbaykyzy for the assignment of the academic title – associate professor in the specialty 05.18.00 – “Technology of food products”.



  1. Information about the applicant for the academic title of associate professor on specialty 05.18.00 – “Technology of food products”;


  1. List of scientific papers, including a list of publications in international peer-reviewed publications.

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Кененбай Г.С.Зарубежн.публ.

Кененбай Г.С. научные публ.