“Development of technology for new types of combined meat products from secondary raw materials with the use of immunomodulatory plant raw materials”

Dec 6, 2021

Project topic: Development of technology for new types of combined meat products from secondary raw materials with the use of immunomodulatory plant raw materials

Relevance. In recent years, there has been a decrease in the immunity of the population, including children of different age groups, since various factors negatively affect the immune system of a modern person: an unfavorable environmental situation, unbalanced unbalanced nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, etc. In a pandemic, when countries accept tighter measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, proper nutrition is extremely important for health, especially at a time when immune system reserves are needed to fight infection.

The ability of the immune system to cope with its functions depends on many factors, but one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle is nutrition. It is important that a person introduces into their daily diet those foods that most contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. International research leaves no doubt about the fact that various components of nutrition are among the most important foundations of a strong, functional immune system.

The aim of this work is to increase labor productivity, increase the production of combined immunomodulatory meat products due to the selection of the main and auxiliary raw materials, the optimal ratio of fatty acid and amino acid composition, containing a significant amount of vitamins and minerals that play an important role in improving immunity.

Research results for 2021. The analysis of existing technologies for the production of combined meat products with an immunomodulatory focus in the CIS countries and far abroad is carried out. As a result of the conducted patent information research, an analysis of the information array for the period from 2001 to 2021 was carried out in order to identify world-famous technical solutions for the equipment object “Development of technology for new types of combined meat products from secondary raw materials using immunomodulatory plant materials.” The qualitative characteristics of by-products, fat tail fat and vegetable raw materials have been substantiated and investigated. The amino acid, fatty acid, vitamin and mineral composition of meat and vegetable raw materials has been determined. The physicochemical properties were determined: the activity of water, moisture and pH of by-products, fat tail fat and vegetable raw materials. The optimal grinding parameters (grinding duration, temperature and degree of grinding) of by-products and fat tail fat were determined using mechanical methods. The technological parameters of grinding plant raw materials using electrophysical methods have been determined. The technological parameters of grinding are determined: temperature and duration of grinding, microstructure of plant raw materials. The rheological parameters of the limiting shear stress and the shear force of the plant raw material have been determined. The optimal parameters of fermentation of plant raw materials using biotechnological methods have been determined. The optimal parameters have been determined: temperature, duration of fermentation of plant raw materials. Determined physical and chemical properties: moisture, water activity and pH of plant materials during fermentation.

List of published works:

The article “Use of fat tail fat and vegetable raw materials for the production of meat pate” has been submitted to the journal “All About Meat” Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is included on the Web of Science platform


Kenenbay G.S., Cand. tech. Sciences – https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8332-8102

Tursunov A.A., Master – https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-9051-2119

Tultabaev N.Z., doctoral student

Tatieva A.N., Master